7 research outputs found

    Implementing Cross-Organizational Business Processes with Enterprise Mashups: Hype or Reality?

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    Many cross-organizational business processes are implemented by hubs and integration platforms which support the electronic collaboration of multiple organizations. The available concepts and solutions based on service-oriented architectures focus on the automatization of long-term business relationships. However, they often do not provide intuitive ways to modify them according to situational needs. In particular, small and medium-sized enterprises characterized by limited know-how and resources are excluded in such electronic collaborations. This paper demonstrates how the user-driven development paradigm of enterprise mashups could be leveraged for implementing cross-organizational business processes. By means of a case study, we report about the experiences of a real-world scenario we have implemented in the frame of the EU-funded research project FAST. A business value analysis highlights the automational, informational and transformational effects. An organized laboratory experiment evaluates how the actual users create enterprise mashups for cross-organizational processes. We conclude with the benefits and limitations of the paradigm

    From Cross-Organizational Business Process to Public Services

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    Service-oriented architectures promise flexible process integration in heterogeneous environments, particularly in cross organizational contexts. Therefore, a systematic approach for deriving service definitions from cross-organizational business processes is required. The paper at hand presents a structured, model driven approach that allows for cross-organizational integration with service-oriented concepts and technologies based on a cross-organizational business process. The resulting method is specified by means of a metamodel and a procedure model. Taking into account existing approaches in the research field, the paper focuses on the activities for the service design specification and the subsequent implementation of the public services. Feasibility of the method is shown by applying it in a Business-to-Government (B2G) real-world scenario, namely the collaboration between a consigning company and customs authorities according to the new European harmonized customs procedures

    A rede de capilaridade do BNDES na Região Norte para o apoio às micro, pequenas e médias empresas

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    A atuação do BNDES na Região Norte foi expandida nos últimos anos, o que pode ser explicado, entre outros motivos, pela expansão relevante da oferta de financiamento a micro, pequenas e médias empresas (MPME) provido pelos agentes repassadores de recursos, como bancos comerciais. Apenas entre 2007 e 2012, tais operações passaram de cerca de cinco mil para mais de cinquenta mil, reflexo do uso ampliado do Cartão BNDES. Tal atuação configura-se em um esforço para adensar a cadeia de fornecedores locais e, consequentemente, visa ampliar a geração de renda e emprego locais, bem como seu desenvolvimento socioeconômico.The BNDES’ efforts in the North Region of the country have expanded over the last few years, which is due to, among others, the important growth in the offer of financing to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME), by means of on-lending agents, such as commercial banks. Between 2007 and 2012 alone, the number of such operations grew from close to 5,000 to more than 50,000, as a result of the sweeping use of the BNDES Card. This effort was made to boost the number of local suppliers and, consequently, to heighten the generation of local income and employment, as well as socio-economic development

    Parcerias para o desenvolvimento: o apoio do BNDES para a Região Sul por meio da Área de Operações Indiretas e instituições financeiras credenciadas, 2008-2013

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    Bibliografia: p. 179A parceria do BNDES com a rede de instituições financeiras credenciadas, federações de indústria e Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (Sebrae) resultou em 100% de crescimento dos desembolsos para a Região Sul entre os anos 2008 e 2013. Este artigo mostra a participação da Área de Operações Indiretas (AOI) nesse avanço, apresentando números e esforços para simplificação do acesso ao crédito e para divulgação das linhas, sobretudo aquelas voltadas para micro, pequenas e médias empresas (MPME). Conclui-se que a AOI tem papel relevante no apoio do BNDES à Região Sul, caracterizada pela forte presença de empresas com grande potencial empreendedor.The BNDES’ partnership with a network of accredited financial institutions, industry federations, and Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) resulted in a 100% increase in disbursements to the South region of Brazil between 2008 and 2013. The participation of the Indirect Operations Division (AOI) in such an advance is conveyed with numbers and initiatives set up to ease access to credit, particularly for micro, small and mediumsized companies. It concludes that the AOI plays an important role in furthering the BNDES’ support in the Region, characterized by a strong presence of companies with large-scale business potential

    Portfolio Diversification in Europe, chapter 5 in The Internationalisation of Asset Ownership in Europe, H. Huizinga and L. Jonung.

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    The transfer of the mashup paradigm in corporate environments needs additional capabilities beyond those typically associated with consumer mashups. In this paper, we present the architecture of the FAST platform which allows creating enterprise-class and multi-channel visual building blocks (so called gadgets) in an ad-hoc manner. The design of complex enterprise-class gadgets is supported by an integrated semantic concept which hides the complexity from the actual users. The architectural components of the platform, a technical life cycle model for enterprise mashups, and the FAST gadget ontology are presented. By means of a cross-organizational real-world scenario from the marketing/ promotion event area, we demonstrate the value and potential of the FAST platform

    Agricultural Trade Liberalization: Policies and Implications for Latin America

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    This book investigates key issues in regard to liberalization of agricultural trade in the Western Hemisphere, including potential scenarios for liberalization at the regional and multilateral levels, the effects of U.S. and European Union agricultural policies on trade, and how a Free Trade Area of the Americas and a European Union-MERCOSUR trade agreement might affect agricultural trade flows. It also examines agricultural liberalization in the U.S.-Central America Free Trade Agreement and suggests a food security typology for use by the World Trade Organization.